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[才艺秀] The Smartest Animal in the Forest

来自- 辽宁大连
来自- 辽宁大连
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-2-24 07:06
  • 签到天数: 90 天

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    Rank: 8Rank: 8



    发表于 2023-12-23 16:57:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自- 辽宁大连
    《The Smartest Animal in the Forest》

    Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived three animals: a monkey, a fox, and a rabbit. These animals often boasted about their own intelligence and competed with each other to prove who was the smartest.

    One day, they came across a hunter who had set a trap in the forest. The trap was a large metal cage with a piece of meat as bait. The monkey, being the most curious of the three, climbed up to the cage and reached for the meat. But as soon as he touched it, the cage door shut, trapping him inside.

    The fox, seeing what had happened, smirked and said, "See, I told you not to be so greedy. Now you're trapped." The rabbit, meanwhile, began to laugh at the monkey's misfortune.

    Just then, the hunter appeared and walked towards the cage. The monkey, realizing his mistake, began to panic. The fox and the rabbit, realizing the danger, quickly hid behind some bushes.

    But the rabbit, being the quick-witted one, had an idea. He ran out from behind the bushes and started dancing and singing in front of the hunter. The hunter, intrigued by the rabbit's strange behavior, stopped and watched him.

    While the hunter was distracted, the fox quietly stole the key to the cage from the hunter's pocket. The rabbit, seeing what the fox had done, continued to distract the hunter until the fox managed to unlock the cage and free the monkey.

    The monkey, grateful to his friends for saving him, realized that intelligence wasn't just about being the smartest, but also about being quick-thinking and collaborative. From that day on, the three animals stopped competing and instead worked together to solve problems in the forest.

    The moral of the story is that intelligence isn't just about having knowledge, but also about using it in a practical and creative way. And sometimes, working together with others can lead to greater success than competing against them.

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